Make Spring Cleaning Count Twice

Make Spring Cleaning Count Twice

Instead of spring cleaning with only one goal in mind, why not make it count twice? William Morris, an old English poet and novelist, once said, “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

With tulips blooming and weather shifting, we find ourselves inspired to clean up and declutter. While the majority of our efforts involve seeing if the windows still open and wiping off dust that accumulated far too long, we always seem to find those few items that don’t fit our home decor anymore. There’s nothing wrong with them, but we’ve outgrown them.

Spring clean with double the purpose by not only clearing those items from your home, but also posting them on the Better Finds marketplace. Someone else will benefit from the items in their home, and your favorite charity will get some much-needed funds for the great work they’re doing.

It’s easy. Just download the app by clicking below, post away, and share the items on your social media. Give those items a second chance to be useful and beautiful.

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